Monday, September 6, 2010

Paella, Tapas, y amigos nuevos :)

The last few days have been quite eventful! I have settled into my apartment and got to know my neighborhood quite well. My roommate and I have also bonded quite a bit over the past few days. On both Friday and Saturday night, we went out with several of her friends which was really fun, as I already feel like I have a group of Spanish friends to hang out with. On Saturday, we were out until 6 in the morning! (which is very typical here....)

Also, on Saturday afternoon, Ruth made paella for us for lunch, which was absolutely delecious. She said that next time I have to cook something "American" for I´ll have to think about what to choose. I also joined a gym which is right around the corner from my house and I´ve already gone twice since I joined. It´s pretty nice and it has lots of classes (spinning, pilates, step etc), so I´m very happy about that. Also, on friday night I met up with my Spanish professor from Duke who lives in Madrid for a few months out of the year. I met her husband and the three of us went to a tapas bar near where she lives (Goya). It was really fun to see them!

Yesterday, I arrived at the location of our Fulbright orientation and started meeting all the other students. Everyone seems really friendly so far. Last night, a bunch of us went out and met up with some Spaniards (one of the girls had a Spanish friend who had taught at her university, so he brought some of his friends along to meet up with us). We went out to a bar and to get tapas in a neighborhood called La Latina, which is a really fun place to go out. I feel like i have already met so many great people in the past few days alone, so its really exciting! Today and tomorrow I´m staying at a college dorm where we have all of our orientation meetings. So, hopefully I´ll be learning all about my program and all the bureacratic stuff that I need to learn about (opening a bank account, getting my residency card etc etc). I also just got my first check, so i´m pretty excited about that!!!

Anyway, I have to go to my first orientation event more details to come later.


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