Wednesday, December 22, 2010

New Years Resolutions...and other end of the year thoughts

So..before I get ready to go on vacation and recieve my family here in Madrid, I thought I should reflect a little bit on the year so far. Overall, its certainly been a great experience (as though of you who have been following my blog can certainly tell), but I still have some resolutions for the coming year...ways to make my experience even more worthwhile. With respect to my job- I think I'm trying really hard and teaching the kids pretty well, but I feel like maybe I could get through to them more, maybe find a way to convince them that they should care more about school.

The thing that I find most frustrating is that so many of the kids are so smart but just don't realize their full potential. Now, I know that this complaint has probably been around ever since teaching started as a profession...and I know that it certainly crosses cultural boundaries. Sooo...given that this is such a widespread problem, I know it's not realistic to think that it's one that I can solve in just a few months. Nevertheless, I've been thinking about this issue a lot lately, and I hope I can find some new, innovative ways to get through to the kids, to get them more excited about learning, during the next semester.

As far as my non-work life, I feel like I've done a good job integrating myself into Spanish culture. While I do hang out with a few American friends pretty often, I also am with Spaniards all the time, and I spend most of my time outside of school speaking Spanish. That being said, I think I want to try to take fuller advantage of all that Madrid has to offer culturally and artistically. In the past few weeks, I've been to an art museum, a poetry reading, and a photography exhibit, reminding me just how much I love art and culture...and how much Madrid has to offer in these arenas. I want to try to go to more events like this next year! I also think this will be easier now that Im really settled into my life and routine here.

And while part of my resolution is to become more connected to Madrid and more involved here and now, I also want to make an effor to be better connected with everyone back home. I have recently spoken with many friends from home, and I realize how happy it makes me to catch up with them, especially after we haven't spoken for a long time. I know its really hard to stay in touch, given the time difference and everyone's busy schedules, but I know I can also make more of an effort.

Anywayy..those are the three things I can think of for now. And as far as the immediate future- I'm really looking forward to seeing my family and having some time off to spend travelling with them. Next time I write, it will probably be 2011! So happy holidays and happy New Year everyone :)

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